Terms and conditions for exhibitors at Future Mind Fest

Organiser: CZECH VR AGENCY, s.r.o., registered office Rybná 716/24, Prague 1, 110 00, ID No.: 055 75 958, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 266180

I. Conditions of participation, payment terms:

  1. A condition of participation is the delivery of a duly completed and signed Application Form including signed Terms and Conditions to the organiser, which is considered a proposal for the conclusion of a contract between the exhibitor and the organiser. The Organizer shall decide independently on the acceptance or rejection of the proposal for conclusion of a contract in the form of an application for participation of the Exhibitor in the Future Mind Fest event. Any rejection may be made without giving any reason. The contractual relationship shall be established by written confirmation of acceptance of the exhibitor's application, sent by the organizer electronically to the exhibitor's contact email specified in the binding application.
  2. By signing the application form and terms and conditions, the exhibitor confirms that he/she has been informed of the terms and conditions for participation in Future Mind Fest and undertakes to comply with them.
  3. Upon acceptance of the application, the organizer will send the exhibitor an advance invoice for the rental of the exhibition space. The exhibitor is obliged to have the exhibition space rental fee paid in the manner indicated on the invoice no later than the day before the opening of Future Mind Fest. In the event that this is not the case even one day before the start of the Future Mind Fest event, it is a breach of contract and the organiser is entitled to withdraw from the contract with the right to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of the exhibition space rental fee, which is payable on the date of withdrawal from the contract by the organiser.
  4. The Exhibitor is obliged to comply with the Czech legislation relating to intellectual property. In case of violation of the provisions governing property rights or intellectual property rights, the organizer reserves the right to exclude the exhibitor from participation in Future Mind Fest without the right to a refund of the fees already paid.

II. Rental of exhibition space:

  1. The amount of the exhibition space rental fee is specified in the binding application form. The exhibitor is obliged to prove his entitlement to a discount on the standard exhibitor price at the same time as sending the application form.
  2. The price for renting the exhibition space includes:
    • basic lighting of the rented space for the duration of the rental
    • basic orientation marking of the premises
    • basic maintenance of the rented space
    • use of permanent electrical distribution in the rented premises up to 3Kw
  3. The exhibitor acknowledges the right of the organizer to change the location and size of the leased space if absolutely necessary.
  4. In the event that an exhibitor fails to take up his/her place at Future Mind Fest by the agreed date, the organizer is entitled to offer the exhibition space to another exhibitor or to use it otherwise without the right of the original exhibitor to a refund of the exhibition space rental fee paid.
  5. The organizer is obliged to let the exhibitor use the space cleaned and cleared. The exhibitor is obliged to hand over to the organizer the sales space in the condition in which it was handed over for use no later than two days after the end of the Future Mind Fest.
  6. The exhibitor is entitled to promote its exhibits (products) and services only on its exhibition area. Placement of any advertising and promotional materials outside the exhibition area must be approved in advance by the organizer.
  7. The exhibitor must not disturb or restrict the surrounding exhibitions with his presentation and is obliged to maintain order.
  8. The exhibitor undertakes to shield its HW from other devices so that there is no mutual interference. This applies in particular to the IR spectrum.

III. Regulations and penalties for the use of the exhibition area

  1. The exhibitor is obliged to comply with all legal regulations of the Czech Republic, technical standards, safety and fire regulations and is obliged to take effective measures to prevent damage.
  2. The Exhibitor is liable for damages caused by violation of the provisions of this agreement or applicable regulations and for damages caused in the course of its activities at Future Mind Fest to the extent of the applicable legislation and is obliged to pay the damage incurred to the organizer at his request.
  3. Disposal before the end of the show is fined 10 000CZK with a due date of 7 days.

IV. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

  1. The exhibitor is entitled to use the exhibition area only for the agreed purpose. Any other activities or business activities must be agreed with the organizer before the start of the Future Mind Fest.
  2. The organiser reserves the right to approve any additional exhibitor (co-exhibitor) within the exhibition space already leased. In the event of such violation, the organizer reserves the right to exclude the exhibitor from any participation in Future Mind Fest, without the right to a refund of the exhibition space rental fee paid.
  3. The organizer shall not be liable to the exhibitor or co-exhibitor for any damage, destruction or loss of exhibits, materials, furnishings or other property of the exhibitor and property entrusted to him. The exhibitor shall be liable for any damage caused by him.
  4. The organizer reserves the right to evict the exhibitor from the Future Mind Fest event and to withdraw from the contract without the possibility of refunding the rental fee to the exhibitor in the event of serious or repeated violation of the terms and conditions.
  5. The organizer reserves the right to use photographs or other image and sound recordings of the exhibitor, his copyrighted works, directly or indirectly his exhibition space and other assets protected by copyright law, especially for the purpose of promoting other events of the organizer or promoting the exhibitor himself. By this contract, the exhibitor agrees to the use of the above.
  6. In the event that the organizer is unable to hold the Future Mind Fest event or any part thereof due to events beyond its control, it shall immediately notify the exhibitor. All obligations of the organiser are cancelled by this notification. The exhibitor is entitled to a full or partial refund of the exhibition space rental fee paid.
  7. Any complaints about the organizer's services must be made immediately.

V. Withdrawal from the contract

  1. The exhibitor has the right to withdraw from the contract with the organizer, in writing, for the reasons provided by law or for the reasons set out in these terms and conditions.
  2. The organizer has the right to withdraw from the contract with the exhibitor for reasons provided for by law or for the reasons set out in these terms and conditions. The organizer is entitled to withdraw from this contract, in particular, if the exhibitor's behaviour endangers the health of people or threatens or has already caused serious damage to the Future Mind Fest venue. In such a case, the organiser shall be entitled to payment of the full exhibition space rental fee and compensation for any damage incurred.

VI. Final Provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the Binding Application for Exhibitor Participation at Future Mind Fest.
  2. All requests, changes or requests for exceptions must be sent in writing to the organiser.


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